
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Radio Mbao Shows This Weekend of Sept 17-19th

JIACHIE SHOW THIS FRIDAY 09/17/2010 @ 08:00PM -10:30PM, EST

Jiachie show Ijumaa hii itakuwa na Professor Jay( AKA Jay wa mitulinga) atakuwa live ndani ya Radio Mbao. Prof Jay atazungumzia Ziara yake ya Marekani(iliyodhaminiwa na Ngome Entertainment chini ya Kitova Mungai) ilivyokwenda, mafanikio na matatizo yalimkabili kwenye ziara hiyo na mambo menigne kuhususiana na muziki na maisha yake... Usikose..Jiachieeee!!!!

KOMBOLELA SHOW THIS SATURDAY 09/18/2010 @ 01:00pm - 02:00pm EST, 8:00pm -9:00pm East African Time

Tanzania fought for and received her independence from the British rule for one major reason - that all Tanzanians may enjoy freedom. There is one group in our society, however, that has not been enjoying that freedom of late, and that is Tanzanians with albinism. We all have heard of stories of albinos being killed and their body parts being used for witchcraft and superstitious reasons. But are albinos that different? Should albinos be treatehed as second class citizens simply for their skin pigmentation?

We will find out.

Our guest on the show will be Babu Sikare, also known as Albino Fulani. Babu is not only only a proud albino, but has set out to fight for the rights of albinos in Tanzania through his not-for-profit organization - Afrobino.org

Kombolela Show is hosted by Metty Nyang'oro.


You fail to reach your goals and become successful for various reasons. One of those reasons is a lack of focus. Without focus, you tend to put off the most appropriate actions necessary to move forward, while engaging in activities that are least likely to give you results.
In this age of information overload, you are bombarded with more priorities, ideas, perspectives, and one more expert's way of doing things, than ever before. This makes achieving your goals more complicated and for most, this is a daunting challenge.
Last week we were honored to have pastors Charles and Catherine Abihudi of Missouri, USA, who guided us in the topic; “pursuing your dream”. This Sunday, September 19th, 2010, pastor Catherine Abihudi will continue to challenge us on the importance of staying focused in order to become successful in all areas of our lives.
To listen to the live show, please go to www.radiombao.com this Sunday at 04:00pm EST (11:00pm Tanzanian time). Some of the best gospel songs will be sang and you will have an opportunity to call in and send greetings or ask questions. This is an inspirational and a life changing moment. Its all about real life, real people and a real God.

Your host: Amos Jackson


Radio Mbao Management

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